Partners & Sponsors

The charter schools supported by the A.C.E. Foundation have excelled at bringing high performing educational programs to neighborhoods across Florida with the greatest need. A large percentage of the students served by these schools come from economically disadvantaged backgrounds and would otherwise have limited quality educational options in their communities.

18th Annual “Charter Schools’ End-of-Year Celebration”: On Saturday, June 3, 2022, The A.C.E. Foundation will gather with educational business partners, school choice supporters and community stakeholders to host its annual event to honor the hard work and dedication of all of the educators who make their life’s work to ensure the success of EVERY student who walks into their door. Over 2500 guests are expected this year.

We invite you to join us in honoring these top charter schools and their extraordinary teachers and staff as an official event sponsor. Your support is vital to our mission of promoting high quality public education for all students. Your tax-deductible donation, but most importantly your participation in this event, tells our educators that they are not alone in their commitment toward providing the best possible education to students and families in our community.

Attached you will find a sponsorship package with details on the participating schools and the sponsorship levels. For in-kind donations or any other questions regarding the event, please feel free to contact us at

On behalf of the schools, thank you for making education your business and we look forward to celebrating with you on this special evening.

Danny Diaz Executive Director



We look forward to hearing from you.

5 + 3 =


6340 Sunset Drive
Miami, FL. 33143.



The ACE Foundation 2022